Elections 2024


Important dates

September 24 - Nominations are open

October 9 - Last day to submit nomination

October 10 - Deadline to withdraw nomination

November 6 - Advanced poll

November 13 - Election Day



Nomination Form

Local Government Election Act, 2015

Local Government Election Regulations, 2015



Guide - Consider Running for Municipal Council

Where to Learn More


Rural municipalities are governed by a council consisting of a reeve and councillors that represent a numbered division within the rural municipality. Members of council are elected to four-year terms. General elections in rural municipalities are held every two years on a rotational basis. In 2024, general elections will be held for reeves and odd-numbered division councillors. In 2026, elections will be held for even-numbered division councillors.

The Municipal Council Member's Handbook describes what to expect during a term of office.

Future General Elections

2024: Divisions 1, 3, & 5, and the Reeve

2026: Divisions 2, 4, & 6

2028: Divisions 1, 3, & 5, and the Reeve

2030: Divisions 2, 4, & 6

2032: Divisions 1, 3, & 5, and the Reeve

*In the event that a council seat becomes vacant, the date for a by-election will be set by council at the first meeting after the vacancy has occured. The by-election must take place within 6 months of the vacancy, unless it occurs within 1 year of a general election. 

Who Can run for council?

To be a candidate in a municipal election, you must be:

  • 18 years of age on election day;
  • a Canadian citizen;
  • not disqualified from being a candidate; and
  • has lived in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which the nomination paper is submitted, AND:
    • lives in Saskatchewan, AND
    • is eligible to vote in the rural municipality.

 Who can vote?

To vote in an RM election in Saskatchewan, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen;
  • be at least 18 years of age and one of the following:
    1. have lived in the RM for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the day of the election;
    2. be the registered owner of property in the RM;
    3. be the assessed person with respect to property situated in the RM;
    4. be the occupant of a trailer or mobil home in the municipality that is the object of a permit required;
    5. be the spouse of an eligible voter mentioned in a, b, or c; or
    6. be the chief executive officer of a duly incorporated co-operative, corporation or religious association that is assessed on the last revised assessment roll with respect to property in the RM that is not exempt from taxation.

Where an RM is divided into divisions, each voter is entitled to vote for reeve and one division councillor. The division a person is eligible to vote is determined by the first applicable clause as listed above in points a to f. For example, a person who lives in Division 3 but is the registered owner of a property located in Division 4 will vote for the councillor in Division 3 and the reeve.